July 17, 2024

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Pastor Desk June 07 – 2020 Sunday of the Most Holy Trinity-

From the Pastor Desk –

Sunday of the Most Holy Trinity-

  • – Blessed be God the Father, his only begotten Son, and the Holy Spirit because he has mercy on us.”Today we seek the meaning of God, we describe him as a great and powerful being who cannot deceive himself or deceive us. He is the source of our life, all that is created is a sign of himself, he is the owner of everything that exists. He is in a permanent dialogue with his Son and with the Holy Spirit. They unite in one Love; therefore, God is life, a plural movement that guides our destiny towards him. From him we come, with him we live, and to him we return.


  • – Woven through today’s first reading are themes of fidelity, covenant, and the desire to see God. Moses invokes God as mediator, merciful and compassionate to the people. In the Responsorial Psalm Daniel proclaims “Blessed are you, O Lord the God of our fathers, blessed is your holy and glorious name.” The Second Reading tells us the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit are always with us.


  • – As we approach the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, we recognize that Christ, the one who died for our sins, will take us to God, the Father. Hallelujah…. all of us, as a community of Faith, will enter into a new dimension: the dimension of the Holy Spirit as the defender, the lawyer, that Jesus leaves to defend us in the midst of any adversityThe Gospel proclaims “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him might not perish, but might have eternal life.” Today we pray that through Christ, with him and in him, God will receive all honor and glory for ever and ever.


  • – Let us consecrate this June to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and pray for the well-being of our parents who in God’s plan are guides and leaders of the family, the domestic church.Please be informed that the Parish Office is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. You can register weekly Masses, register for Baptisms or the Sacraments, request letters of recommendation, bring your donations or envelopes and register as new members.


  • -Welcome to your spiritual home.


  • -Yours in Christ,.

Father Gabriel Jaime Toro R – Parish Administrator

Blessed Sacrament Church, Queens

Desde el escritorio del Padre Gabriel Toro:

“Bendito sea Dios Padre, y su Hijo unigénito, y el Espíritu Santo porque ha tenido misericordia de nosotros”.

Hoy buscamos el significado de Dios, y lo describimos como un ser sumamente grande y poderoso que no puede engañarse ni engañarnos, pues es Él, la fuente de nuestra vida, por lo cual todo lo creado es señal de Él mismo y a nuestro lado el dueño de todo lo que existe. Su vida es diálogo permanente con su Hijo y en el Espíritu Santo se unen en un solo Amor; por lo tanto, Dios es vida, movimiento plural que orienta nuestro destino hacia Él. De Él venimos, con El vivimos y a Él volvemos.

  • – Mientras en la primera lectura Moisés invoca a Dios como mediador, clemente y compasivo sobre el pueblo. Dios revela por la su alianza: “Bendito eres, Señor de nuestros padres, bendito tu nombre santo y glorioso”, en la Segunda lectura la Gracia de Jesucristo, el Amor de Dios y la Comunión del Espíritu Santo están siempre en nosotros


  • – En el evangelio tanto amó Dios al mundo que entregó a su Hijo único para que no perezca ninguno de los que creen en él, sino que tenga vida eterna. Hoy en este contexto oremos para que, por Cristo, con Él y Él reciba Dios todo honor y gloria por los siglos de los siglos.Consagremos, pues este mes de junio en honor al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y oremos por el bienestar de nuestros padres de familia, como guías y conductores de la familia en el plan de Dios.


  • La Oficina Parroquial está abierta de lunes a viernes de 9 am a 5 pm y los sábados y domingos de 9 am a 1 pm, para que pasen a registrar las misas semanales, hacer los registros para bautizos o sacramentos, pedir sus cartas de recomendación, traer sus donaciones o sobres y hacer los registros parroquiales para los nuevos miembros


    • Bienvenidos todos a su casa
      Fraternalmente, Padre Gabriel Jaime Toro R – Administrador Parroquial

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