About Us
Welcome to our Parish Online!
The Church of the Blessed Sacrament in Jackson Heights takes up the legacy of our elders to continue their mission here and now, we come from many horizons but united in one Faith and one Baptism, we are leaven of a New Life inspired by knowledge and familiarity with the Resurrected Jesus Christ who summons us and keeps us as Presence and prayer for others who seek God in their lives!
Bienvenidos(as) a nuestro sitio internet! La Iglesia del Santísimo Sacramento en Jackson Heights retoma el legado de nuestros mayores para continuar su misión aquí y ahora. Venimos de muchos horizontes, pero nos une una misma Fe y un mismo Bautismo.
Somos fermento de una Nueva Vida inspirada en el conocimiento y la familiaridad con Jesucristo Resucitado que nos convoca y mantiene como presencia y oración para otros que buscan a Dios en sus vidas!
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Parish Priests
Rev. Richard Beuther., Pastor
Rev. Saint Charles Borno ,Parochial Vicar
Rev. Alexander Piñaque, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Richard J. Hoare,Retired Priest- In residence
Dcn. Alfredo Rendón
Office Staff
Ms. Eliana Bermeo, Pastor’s Assistant
Mr. Edwin Reyes, Evening Receptionist / Saturday Sacristan
Mr. Jorge Cubi, Maintenance/ Custodian
Religious Education and Faith Formation
Miss Alexandra Caicedo Director of Faith Formation Program
Mrs. Laura Ramirez Youth Ministry – Coordinator
Blessed Sacrament Choir
Parish Trustees
Mrs. Lily Tu
Mrs. Basilia M. Sime
Multimedia Department
Douglas Holguin