December 18, 2024

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Synod 2021-2023 Diócesis of Brooklyn – Queens

Synod on Synodality

Communion, Participation, and Mission

On May 21, 2021, Pope Francis surprised the Church by announcing that the Synod of Bishops, postponed due to the pandemic, will be preceded by a synodal process that includes “listening to all of the baptized” in every local diocese before the bishops gather again in 2023.

Blessed Sacrament Church joined Dioceses of Brooklyn for “Synod 2021-2023: For a Synodal Church,” a two-year re-examination of the way the Catholic Church is listening to and walking with its parishioners.













Like other Parishes  worldwide, we take a first significant step in participating in the worldwide “synod on synodality” initiated by Pope Francis on Oct. 10.

Next, as part of its synodal journey,Blessed Sacrament Church will coordinate a  listening session , at which Catholics will be encouraged to share their opinions on what is expected of today’s Church.

Sessions will be guided by universal questions for dioceses worldwide examining the perceptions of today’s Catholics.


Photo Credit : Holguin Photography
Pope Francis invites the entire Church to reflect on a theme that is decisive for its life and mission: “It is precisely this path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium.”





In April, the Archdiocese will gather, analyze, and synthesize information from all parish listening sessions into one report that will be submitted to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).






Similarly, dioceses across the U.S. and globally will submit their local findings, which will ultimately be consolidated into reports for discussion among the world’s bishops and the Vatican to help guide Pope Francis on decisions about how the Church should proceed in the future.







“The synod will shine a light on the cracks of our church” and is an opportunity for a “change of a culture of our Church at all levels,” he said.

“The synod recognizes that the people of God – those who have been called out of darkness into light by virtue of their baptism — is called to walk the same road. And sometimes it means they realize they’re going the wrong way,”





Learn more about the synodal process by clicking on the resources here, or by visiting the Vatican Synod website.

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