July 16, 2024

  • Welcome! The Church of the Blessed Sacrament

  • Donate Now using Zelle TO (347) 336-1022


  • Bienvenidos(as)! La Iglesia del Santísimo Sacramento

  • For updates on the Diocesan response to the Coronavirus, go to dioceseofbrooklyn.org

  • New MASSES are open plz visit The Mass Schedule Page.

Sunday offering

Sunday offering

Make a Contribution

Your Sunday Offering is the parish’s primary means of support. Our MINISTRIES AND PROGRAMS are only possible because of you.


  • Prayer and Worship
  • Religious Education and Sacramental Formation
  • Holy Cross School and Early Education Center
  • Youth Ministry
  • Hispanic Ministry
  • Community Ministries
  • Outreach Ministries
  • Parish Administration

Each year you are asked to renew your financial commitment to the parish, or to make a commitment for the very first time. Prayerfully consider what Blessed Sacrament Church in Jackson Hts Queens means in your life and in the lives of the 1,300 households, who call Holy Cross home.

St. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 … “Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves cheerful giver.”

Donations to all of our Parish can easily be made online using PayPal. Donations through PayPal have many advantages…

– They are fast, easy and secure.
– They eliminate the hassle of writing the check.
– PayPal accepts all major credit cards
– You do not have to set up an account.
– You automatically receive a receipt of your donation.
– PayPal’s system is secure and will not reveal any credit card or checking account information to anyone (not even the Church).


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